Sealants in Largo, FL

Sealants in Largo, FL

Dental sealants for children are thin, and plastic coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars to protect them from decay. These surfaces often have deep pits and fissures where food particles and bacteria can accumulate, making them susceptible to cavities. Sealants act as a barrier, sealing off these vulnerable areas and preventing the onset of decay by blocking out bacteria and food debris.

The application process is quick, painless, and noninvasive, typically requiring no drilling or anesthesia. Sealants are especially beneficial for children as they are still developing proper oral hygiene habits and might not effectively clean all areas of their teeth. By providing an extra layer of protection, sealants help safeguard children's oral health, reducing the risk of cavities and the need for more extensive dental treatment in the future. Regular dental checkups are essential to monitor the condition of sealants and ensure their effectiveness in preventing decay.

Why Are Sealants Important for Children?

Protection Against Cavities

  • Children's molars and premolars have deep grooves and fissures that are difficult to clean thoroughly with regular brushing and flossing. Food particles and bacteria can easily get trapped in these grooves, leading to cavities. Sealants create a smooth surface over these grooves, preventing bacteria and food particles from settling and causing decay.
  • Applying sealants shortly after the molars erupt can protect these vulnerable teeth from decay during the critical years when children are still mastering proper oral hygiene habits.

Noninvasive and Painless

  • Applying sealants is quick, simple, and painless. Unlike other dental procedures, sealants don't require drilling or the removal of tooth structure, making it comfortable for children.
  • Sealant application is noninvasive, so it typically doesn't require anesthesia, reducing the stress and discomfort associated with dental visits for young patients. Contact us today!

Long-Lasting Protection

  • Sealants can provide effective protection for several years. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups can last through the critical years when a child is most prone to cavities.
  • Dentists can check the condition of sealants during routine dental visits and reapply them if necessary, ensuring continued protection.

Cost-Effective Preventive Care

  • Sealants are a cost-effective preventive measure compared to treating cavities, including fillings, crowns, and other restorative procedures. Investing in sealants can save money in the long run by reducing the need for more extensive dental treatments.
  • Many dental insurance plans cover the cost of sealants for children, making this preventive measure accessible and affordable for families.

Promotes Overall Oral Health

  • Sealants help maintain the structural integrity of children's teeth by preventing cavities and supporting their oral health and development.
  • Preventing cavities means children can avoid the pain, discomfort, and potential complications associated with dental decay, such as infections or tooth loss.

Encourages Positive Dental Habits

  • A noninvasive procedure like sealant application can create positive dental experiences for children, reducing anxiety and fostering a proactive attitude towards dental care.
  • Getting sealants can also be an opportunity for dental professionals to educate children and parents about the importance of preventive dental care and good oral hygiene practices.

How Are Sealants Applied? 

The dentist begins by examining the child's teeth to identify which would benefit from sealants. Typically, the back teeth, specifically the molars and premolars, are chosen for sealant application as they have deep pits and fissures prone to trapping food particles and bacteria. Once the teeth are selected, they are thoroughly cleaned to remove plaque, debris, or food particles from the chewing surfaces.

To ensure proper sealant adhesion, the dentist applies a special etching solution to the chewing surfaces of the selected teeth. This solution contains mild acids, usually phosphoric acid, which creates a slightly rough texture on the enamel. The roughened surface helps the sealant material bond effectively to the tooth enamel, ensuring the sealant stays in place for an extended period.

The dentist may isolate the teeth using cotton rolls or a dental dam to keep the teeth dry during the sealant application process. Isolation prevents saliva and moisture from interfering with bonding, ensuring optimal sealant adhesion to the tooth surface.

Once the teeth are prepared and isolated, the sealant material is applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars. The sealant is a thin, liquid resin carefully painted onto each tooth's grooves and fissures, ensuring complete coverage. The dentist may use a small brush or applicator to distribute the sealant evenly.

After applying the sealant material, a curing light hardens and sets the sealant. The curing process usually takes only a few seconds per tooth and ensures that the sealant forms a solid and durable bond with the tooth enamel. Once cured, the sealant becomes hard and transparent, providing a protective barrier against cavities.

Sealants protect children's teeth from cavities, providing a simple, painless, and effective barrier against decay. Visit Pinellas Pediatric Dentistry at 4020 Portsmouth Road, Largo, FL 33771, or call (727) 335-2500 to schedule an appointment with our pediatric dentist today to discuss the benefits of sealants and protect your child's teeth from decay. 


4020 Portsmouth Road, Largo, FL 33771

Phone: (727) 335-2500


  • MON - FRI8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • SATBy appointments only
  • SUNClosed
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